NextGen Psychology

Part 2: What your Human Design type says about you, with Korinna Brockman

Bria Wannamaker, RP. Season 3 Episode 143

This is episode 2 of 2 with Korinna, she took her training in reading Human Design via Sort of Spiritual and she now works to help others gain more self-awareness and work toward alignment in their lives. In this episode, we do a deep dive into the 5 different energy types of human design. You can check out your human design chart here on Korinna's website!

In today's episode, we discuss:

  • Spirituality
  • Human Design
  • Skepticism 
  • Mind-Body Connection
  • Chakras
  • Duality 
  • Critical Thinking

Connect with Korinna:
: @threefivebydesign

Bria Wannamaker, RP.

As always, please remember that these podcast episodes are for educational purposes only and are not a substitute for medical healthcare or mental healthcare. Podcasts are available as an educational and entertainment resource and are not advice, recommendations, or suggestions. Please seek out the necessary professional services if you require assistance.

I to me that's what alignment is and. I have a faith and I have a connection with the universe and I feel very guided and I feel very supported 

OK, welcome back. Let's do Part 2. But can you introduce yourself again just in case anyone's like tuning into this episode but didn't listen to the last one? Absolutely. I am Karina and I AM 35 by design and I am a human design. Guide. Yeah, that's what I am. I'm human design guide, I guide you and then give folks a little bit of a background on what exactly it is that you do. Absolutely. So human design is actually a synthesis of five modalities we've got. Astrology, we've got the chakra system, we've got the Kabbalah tree of life, we have the Chinese Ching, and then we have quantum physics and it is basically a chart of your energetic. Buddy. I think is probably the best way of saying it. And So what I do is I take that chart and I take all of the information that's in it, and I help you to understand it. And what the chart shows us is who you are. The moment of your birth, before any conditioning takes place, from society, from family, from friends, from the world that we're destined to experience. And it shows us who you are at your authentic core. And what this does is it helps you see how you are to navigate the world. To and how you are to make decisions that are correct for yourself. We are conditioned to believe that the mind makes decisions, right? Write a pros and cons list. What do you think? The mind is nobody's way of making decisions. It's actually somewhere else within our body or in another way. We are meant to make decisions, which is a tough thing for people to deconditioned from. But what this does is if you start living in 

that way that is correct for you, then you. Really start to live a life more in alignment. So things you live life a little bit more of ease, a little bit more flow. Things that you desire start coming into your sphere. Yeah, you just you, you live happier and you're able to tap into your gifts, which we can also see in your chart, and you can fully express the incredible Ness that you are. Ah, OK. Ah, I love that you said that about the mind because like in therapy so many clients come to me and they're like, I'm overthinking, I'm overanalyzing and I like we're talking before we hit record about just being a generator and the that need to control. And we'll get into like all the types in a SEC because I know people will kind of want to try and pinpoint, you know, where do I fall. But OK, I've always written these compulsive to do lists and they are like literally. Like, up at this time, make coffee at this time, the dog outside shower here, like everything down to a tee. And I will do multiple lists a day because like, if I have to scratch something else or it didn't happen at this time, I'm going to do another. They're compulsive. It's disgusting, let me tell you. But on today's list, like, I literally have to pull this out right now because it's so bonkers when you're talking about like, the mind. I'm sure these papers fluttering are going to sound so good in the microphone. Esmar. 

OK, I literally wrote today because my mind was like racing. I was so on my To Do List for today I put in you've already tried solving problems with your mind alone. You have to integrate the body, mind, soul and ecosystem to find your answers. So just like, yeah, you saying that I'm like. Talk a little bit about that like how do we integrate everything to navigate the world. Yeah well so we evolutionarily speaking according to human design the mind was our they call it authority. So the authorities how you make decisions. So I just want to clear that because I I will get into the I'll just naturally say the human design lingo. So the the mind used to be the authority. But it we have since evolved as humans, we continue to evolve over the thousands of years that we've been around, that we no longer need the mind to make decisions. When the mind was making decisions, it was coming from a very like practical place of survival. It was the spleen keeping us alive, and it was the mind, you know, telling us to do things. Now we're, we've come a very long way from that. And we're more, we are much more conscious, aware beings. So the mind is really here just to process information. We are receiving information all day long. That's all it, all it is. It's here to process information when we are making decisions that are correct for ourselves. There's other areas within us that. Umm. We should be listening to. So for example, you and I are both sacral generators, so the sacral center is. 

At the base like right in her low belly and this energy is a self-sustaining energy that makes us a generating type. So it's it, it can, it's, it's one of the most powerful centers and if you have the center to find and make sure generating type when they say listen to your gut this is what they're talking about that the sacral center in response to external forces external things will give us. Yes or no? Responses. And it'll be either like an uh-huh for a yes or uh for a no, or it'll be like a pull towards or like a on a way it'll be. It's kind of different for everyone, but it's once you start listening to it, you'll be able to hear it. So when someone says would you like to go out for dinner, you're going to feel that within you that you do or you don't. Do you want to? Go to, you know, this school. You're going to feel it within, within you. And then the key is listening to it. And what's going to happen is that the mind will instantaneously try and override that. Well, you don't want to go to that school because it's too far away from home. And how are you going to pay for the school if if you're not living at home? Right. And the mind will constantly override you, whereas maybe your sacral center is saying, no, no, no, this is where we want to go because there's a knowing there. So that's why understanding what your authority is is really important, because we are constantly bombarded with making choices all day long. Legit decision fatigue? Yes? Yeah, it's interestingly you say like hmm. Like my like, no is so strong sometimes and I, like, can barely hear the yes. Like that's something I'm not attuned to listening to, but I know when it's like A and it's like, no, I have to admit I'm the exact same way. Especially when it comes when the decision is bigger. I get a little lost at times. It's an experiment, right? Like it takes time to really navigate it. So having that compassion on yourself if you don't get it right. But yeah, mine is much the same. OK. Can you talk about the other types? Yes, absolutely. So there's five energy types generators, you and I where one type we're about 33% of the population. Then there's manifestors, they 

don't have a sacral center to find, they have a throat center connected to a motor, so they are able to. Manifest things into form. They're the. They're the people that can initiate. Ideas and concepts and things that they're, they feel called to do. When you say motor, what do you mean? So there's four. So there's nine centers within the energy body. They're taken from the chakra system, chakras, there's seven and there's four motors within our bodies. So the root, the sacral, the will center and the emotional solar plexus, which is our feelings. So whenever the throat center is connected to there, it basically what it does is it gives it. Energy to speak, to create, because the throat is considered a manifestation center, right. You, you have ideas and you're able to bring them into form through words. Words are powerful. Yeah. So manifesters are about of the population. Then we have manifesting generators. They're a blend of the two, so they have the throat, which is connected to a motor and they have the sacral defined. So their powerhouse, these people are multi passionate. They always have multiple things on the go. Yeah, they're, and they're very, they're very magnetic people. Then we have projectors. They're about 20% of the population. They can have their throat to find. They just can't. It cannot be connected to a motor and they can't have the sacral center to find. There are guides there. They have the ability to see people in a very deep way. Their aura actually penetrates other people's auras. So when you're around a projector and you don't know this, you might feel actually uncomfortable. Around them because they really see inside of you? Yeah. You know those people, yes. 

Yes, you see, me, I don't like me and it's uncomfortable. But the wisdom of them is that because they can see us so well, they can guide us and they can guide us in a new way. And there's a beautiful symbiotic relationship between projectors and generators. So if you have any projectors in your life there, while I never advise going to someone else for advice, to make decisions for your life, they are good if you. Need that clarity because they can see things in a different way that you don't necessarily see big time. Yeah. And then the last one is reflectors. And so they're nine centers. They're all open and reflectors. They're about 1% the population. They're the most unique because of all their openness. They really have an ability to sample the energy of other people. So where we have our centers colored in or defined, that's. That's who we are. That's the consistent energy within us. So and when we have it open or white in the chart, this is where we're taking in energy from other people. So reflectors are constantly taking in and sampling people so they get a really good feel of. Is this environment healthy? Is it not healthy? The term used in the classic teachings of human design is they're the Canary in a coal mine. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, I'm trying to think of it like, know anyone? Do you have anyone in your life, like personal life that. Well, I know, I know of two people. I've been really gifted in being able to do readings for two people, and they are. Umm. Reflectors are really incredible. There is a a sensitivity and a knowingness about them, that is. Pretty remarkable and really it's really beautiful. Yeah so cool. But they can also really 

struggle so especially because they're the most heavily conditioned at times. You know, they have a they have an aura that really protects them. But so often we are, we are become quite conditioned from our society. So if you're if you're really steadfast in who knowing who you are. You can you you excel. Yeah. OK. You said so much there. And like, thank you for explaining that I got like, mesmerized. I'm like picturing this all out. Like in I like to relate it to like, life and like, oh, who's that? 

And like, what do you say to people who, like, I can just imagine someone who is like very skeptical or whatever, tuning in and hearing this and they'll be like the motor, the shocks, the the tree of life. And like, hearing all of this and like, just being like, this is a bunch of pseudoscience. Like, this is like crap. I don't believe this. Like, what do you say to those people? Or like, I don't know, how do you support people in that way? So I am a big believer of. Take what resonates and leave the rest. I I. I don't think human design is for everyone, nor would I expect it to, just like Christianity isn't for everyone, nor would I expect it to. We are all here to learn and grow in our own ways. So I I will have to say, sorry, there's this one time I was talking to somebody, and this is right when I began learning about human design, and I was talking to him on the phone. We had a big long conversation and I was kind of talking to him about it. And again, just that very pragmatic type of person. Very critical, which is, yes, shown in your human design. You can see if someone is meant to be critical or not. We need critical, otherwise we would just be all a bunch of sheep following something into nothingness, right? So that critical thinking is really important because it's what science is based off of, right? It's really important. So I was I was talking to him a little bit about his human design and. It was funny because what, I was reading him out of a page of a book and uh, he's. I stopped reading and he's like, huh? And basically was all about. You are here to be a critical thinker and. All the things that he was literally doing and he's like, alright, OK, I, I I see, I can see why you're interested in this is like, there you go. Oh my God. Yeah. Yeah. OK, so he's like this kind of makes sense. This kind of makes sense. There might be some truth to this, so I love that. But at the end of the day it's I'm what my goal is, is I'm not here to convince anyone what I am when the clients that I manifest 

and who I bring into my my sphere are people who are genuinely curious, who can be critical, but who are open minded and who are just. Wanting to explore more, there's something else. They don't quite know what it is. And they need something more. These are people who are looking, who are doing the dive within themselves, who are trying to. Understand themselves better, who are willing to do the work and who want to. You know who are willing to experiment to get into more alignment, those are the people that I that I attract. So let's talk about that alignment piece. What is the most fascinating thing that you see or most challenging thing? I don't know. Something in terms of alignment, alignment and why that's important and like what the outcome is when we're really feeling aligned. So what I relate to often, what I often reflect upon is who I was. In my 20s. I was a person who I was working in the restaurant industry. I was a manager there, you know, living the great life I had, you know, lots of good friends, you know, lots of drinking, lots of just enjoying life but feeling very lost because I didn't know what I was doing with my life. I was in my 20s. I was going from relationship to relationship, you know, nothing was nothing was sticking. I was thinking. Wanted to be married, you know, I wanted to have kids and everything felt wrong and it was coming through in my physical body. I was physically unhealthy and I was really struggling. So I think of that and I think of who I am now and thinking even after 2 short years of discovering human design and who the life I'm leading now and I'm. I'm helping other people see 

that there's a different way. I feel satisfied at the end of the day, I'm manifesting being on people's podcasts. I'm, you know, I, I I'm in a beautiful relationship where we are rising each other up and. They are wanting to heal the community and we're developing a community of people around us and you know, we're making plans to. Moved to Bali and, you know, doing. Yeah, yeah, like just this life of exploration and fun and juiciness and richness and to me. That's alignment. And yes you know I still have moments where I'm frustrated or I wake up in the morning and I have a terrible meditation and my guys suck at meditating my the wheels in my brain. And, you know but there's there's a underlying piece that I feel and I to me that's what alignment is and. I have a faith and I have a connection with the universe and I feel very guided and I feel very supported and I know that. I know that it's all. For something and something bigger and I get to be a part of that and that's exciting. Sony that's such a good depiction of alignment and just like seeing the possibilities that you have opened up and. Yeah. And I think too what stands out for me when you said I have that underlying piece, it's like. What I was saying in the last episode too, like having like I had like a day of peace. And then the next day is like this grasping and like clinging to be on that connection and clinging to be in the flow. Yeah. What do you see? Like for anyone who comes to you or like I'm sure you like, probably like, want to read friends and family all the time, like anyone 

who you give advice to. What are people's, like, biggest frustrations or like that? Yeah, frustration, grasping, clinging, the control. Like all of those. The resistance, that bubble. What do you see there? So what I well, what I see a lot of is people trying to. Have that control and to take that action or their or they feel like there's no results from what they're doing. So. For me it's. Taking that step back and getting clear, getting clear on yourself, getting clear on OK, what do you truly want and not what your parents want from you and not what your partner wants from you or not? Like, I feel like I have to prove that I'm a good partner. I have to prove that I'm a good employer. Well, if I quit this job, then like the the rat race of the mind and all of these things. If you can just take a step back and really get clear on, OK? What's really important to me? We all have gifts. We all have gifts that we're here to share with the world. And it's in our, it's in our design and and once we. With or without understanding our human design, understand what what our gifts are and how we choose to share that with the world. That to me is a great starting point. And then it's like, OK, what lights you up? What gives you joy? Do you have a meditation practice? You know, are you eating good foods? How do you feel about your body? You know, what are you putting in your, do you feel good about this physical, you know, thing that your soul is in? You know, people like we detach entirely. Totally. Oh my God, that was my 20s. Just that detachment 

of the day. And in the day out and not really connecting with who you are and you know, take time and nature. Take time to be by yourself, you know, are you a ritual type of person? What does your morning look like? What does your evening look like? Are you taking time to do things that light you up? Generators. One of our big things is joy time. So where do you carve out time in your life to do things that give you joy? To Do List says I can have fun. It's scheduled at 708 to 709. Give yourself more than one minute. 

I love that, yeah. So in it's again, it's that reconnecting with yourself. And it's not always easy. And yeah, you're going to wake up with cloud and you're going to, you know, experience those challenges. But are you approaching it from a place of heart closed or heart open? That's that's the big thing that I've been learning about myself is I was always approaching life from a heart closed to protect for the hundreds of reasons why one would want to protect themselves. But if you're not leading from your heart, how are you leading? And there's so much power in this center and in this center in human design, this is your direction, this is your purpose, and it attracts life to you through the frequency of love. So if you're that's closed, how are you? How are you? How are you expressing yourself when versus heart open? Yeah, OK, there's going to be challenge moments, but if you embrace that with love and compassion and kindness for yourself and for others. It's different. Life is different. Yeah. It's more courageous. It really is, you know, instead of being. And there's that physical piece that happens too when we literally like close in closing, we're absolutely them. And then the stress and then it's physical, right. And the stress in your neck and it's, you know, our bodies. Reflect how we feel they truly it truly, truly does. And so when this is good and when this feels good. It's it's a different, it's a different energetic vibration. That is there any final thing that you feel like you want to share with people and yeah, just notes and then nothing. Yeah. 

I think. Hmm. You might have to edit this. That's OK. I want to think about a good one, honestly. Take your time. Let me think about this one. Yeah, dude, it. 

It's so hard. It is so hard. 

I think. I think I've got something for it. I think that your connection with who you are is the most important relationship you will ever have. So make that a priority. Make your connection with you your number one priority. We I have no kids, but I hear from experience. You can get lost in being mother. You can get lost in being wife. You can get lost in being father. You can get lost in being partner. You can get lost in being student. You can get lost in being employee. You can get lost in being employer. Know who you are first. Take yourself out first. Treat yourself well first, then you can. 

Exemplify and amplify to other people. You cannot give from an empty cup, so fill your cup 1st. And I know it's like cliche but it's the *** **** truth. True, true. And I've been like. Mulling that over and talking with so many clients about serving from a place. And when I say serving, I mean, like even just being there for your family. Totally. And yes, going to the cashier and not being a *****. Like being a sweet human to this cashier, this other human that's in front of you. Like, that's what I mean when I say serving and serving from a place of overflow versus depletion. And it's hard too, because I preach this often, but like you, I'm in that place of also not married. So don't have kids and I just feel like people who are in those other boats. Don't um resonate with that as well. But like yeah so how and but I do still think it's possible for even if you are in and I do like want to be married I do want to be a mom and I still will put myself 1st. And I know that there are other little humans that that come to and that you have to prioritize their needs. But I don't think that you can do that from a place of like chronic stress and depletion and that yeah it's worse. You're not present. You have that like cloudy veil. So, uh, I love that so much that you're like, do not lose yourself and it doesn't have to be extensive. I feel that doesn't mean you have to take 2 hours to yourself first thing in the morning and like make little Jimmy make his own sandwich for school. It's like, yeah, what are your thoughts on that? Yeah, I I definitely think that that's probably one of the biggest problems that we have in this world is that we've got a lot of exhausted human beings who are overworking and living not in alignment. With who they are. 

And then it manifests into arguments and war. And like all of these things that we're experiencing right now, it's just a lot of unhappy people. Just trying to like get through life until the end. So, um, if we all take personal responsibility for who we are, I just, I think that and I think that there's a shift. I really do. I don't think it's doom and gloom. I think. And I'm starting to see it. Like even in the Community and I and I'm, you know, I I'm consciously looking for it. You know, I consciously follow those specific people on social media because I want to. It's a constant reminder for myself and it keeps my. Energy going, but I think that. Yeah, like taking those moments just to like. Get this, good. Get this right. And that's why I love human design, because it's like, it's not like a CHEAT SHEET, but it. It helps. It really does help you see who you are and where your. Not being so good. It's when you said just like get this right first. I was thinking of last night I went to a meditation class at the Buddhist Center and there's a yeah. And their regular teacher was out at a festival but there was a student something in and he. So he's not like an ordained teacher monk or anything but he's just this older white man and those like it just like wasn't. What I expected, I don't know. Yeah. Yeah. And like I had my own stereotypes, judgments and it was so interesting that he came and said he's been practicing for I think 27 years. I know. And just that it was the the choice to to make those shifts in his life. Like you said, we are a bunch of stressed out 

humans, but you see like a shift happening. And that to me is a huge shift where he. He said he used to be like angry and volatile in his life and like he worked construction and he like had a young child at the time and was like getting up. Like when he found meditation, he was getting up so early. Like had to be at the job site like 4730, like all that good stuff. And like had to was a single dad, had to get his kid to the babysitter, like the whole shebang. I just loved his story because I'm like. You made the choice when you are an angry, volatile, overworked person, to shift things in your life so that you could it could propel you forward. I'm like, how incredible is that? I don't want to feel this way anymore. I'm going to make a change. Yeah. And I think that that's what a lot of people are experiencing. I don't want to feel this way anymore. I need a change. Where do I begin? Well, thank you. Tell everyone. Really confined you. And yes, so I AM 35 by design. It's all written out. So you can find me on Instagram. That's where I'm most active. I also have my website 

is where you can also find me. So please, yeah, reach out, follow me, give me like, all those things. I'd love to hear from you. I'd love that. I hope people reach out to you. I hope people will work with you. I think that's so cool and neat that it's done. Online, so it can literally, yeah, from absolutely anywhere, anywhere, as long as you got zoom and Wi-Fi. Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you. This is awesome. 

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