NextGen Psychology

[INTERVIEW] Intuition & Alignment

Season 3 Episode 159

In this interview with Samantha Pike with talk all about how to tap in to what your body, as an energetic vessel,  is communicating with you and how to begin listening to your body and all of the wisdom that it holds. We also talk about Sam's unique and beautiful living situation and the notion that it can be so wonderful to find the value in interdependence, family, community, and really applying the proverb "it takes a village" to a whole new level.

In today's episode, we discuss:

  • Body-mind connection
  • Chakras
  • Human design
  • Parenting and family
  • Chronic stress

Connect with Sam:

Bria Wannamaker, RP.

As always, please remember that these podcast episodes are for educational purposes only and are not a substitute for medical healthcare or mental healthcare. Podcasts are available as an educational and entertainment resource and are not advice, recommendations, or suggestions. Please seek out the necessary professional services if you require assistance.

if you stay where you are, you're going to stay stuck. You're not going to be in movement, you're not going to be in flow with what's available to you. I think it's like really about expanding our capacity to be in that next level. 


Welcome, Sam, to the Better Boundaries Podcast. Yeah. I'm so excited to chat. Old friends reconnecting. So good. I'm so happy to be here. Thank you for having me. Yeah. OK. So number one, maybe let people know who you are, what you're doing right now with your life and and what you hope to do, what inspires you, what lights you up. Yeah, wow. OK. And I was thinking about, she's probably going to ask me what do I do, and I'm going to have to give her an answer. It's such a I feel like I just do so much. But one thing that I do is I host a podcast with my sister called Our Manifestation Journey. I live with my sister and her husband and. Her three kids now, she just had her third boy in January. That's amazing. Yeah. And you have known me to be living with my sister, like kind of When I started back when I met Bria in our program, that's when we started living together. So we haven't, we stayed living together. And yeah, it is really cool. And we have a podcast together. And we started the podcast is about. We started it in the end of 2019 and it was documenting our play with a lot of attraction. So something kind of like we had learned about probably years ago, but then one day we were like what would happen if we actually 


tried to give this a conscious effort And then we recorded it like would what would happen? So then we started to. Live very intentionally with what we create in our lives and really start to consciously manifest things. And we, I mean really, you saw where I am right now. Like we've manifested this amazing house and lots of amazing things. So that's one thing I do. I think that I'm I'm passionate about people living their dream lives. It's like, I want to live my dream life, and I want other people to live their dream lives. So whatever that is for people, whatever that means for people, I love watching people do those things. Like, whatever lights them up. Oh my gosh. Can you talk more about that? No. It's so beautiful. Can you talk more about living your dream life? Like, do you feel like you're there? Is there more? Is there something I'm worried about is like. Getting to that place and then still being in like scarcity or lack or like desperation or like that white knuckling and grasping at things like do we get to a place where it's like, ah, gratitude. That's such a good question, because I honestly don't feel like I'm there yet, even though I do have so much abundance around me and my life is like a dream life. It really is like I live. In this beautiful home I work from home. I work on projects that I am passionate about. I have a horse in my backyard, which I've wanted since I was 7. Like, I do live my dream life. But I also think that here I believe that for all of us, it's always and it's always going to be about expansion. So like, 


even when you reach a certain point, you're like, I should be happy now. It's like that. It's kind of like a the wrong question. Because you should, yes, like finding happiness and peace throughout your journey. Your life journey is I think is like beautiful and is the goal. And we can do that and we can also want more. And at the same time, I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting more. I don't think there's anything wrong with. Moving past like the next level, it's like as soon as you get there, you're going to want to get to the next level. Even when we're on our deathbeds, we're still going to want to get to the next level. We're going to be like, hey, I want to pass away now so I can see what's on the other side. Like we're always in expansion all the time. So yeah, I don't think we ever like reached mountaintop. I think it's just like enjoy the journey, enjoy the enjoy what you're experiencing and expansion is normal. That's so neat. I love that. And I've been trying to focus on that lately of the idea of growth. Like that's what life is, is like growth And then shedding me old and then growth and shedding. And there is so much discomfort in that. Especially in the shedding. And I'm going through like a very big shedding. Right now and I'm just like, I just feel some uncomfortable. But it's it's like cool because I know that there's like good stuff coming and it feels really good. But at the same time, yeah, like talk to me about the discomfort, anything that comes up for you in that yeah, discomfort. It's such a good, it's such a good for word for what it is because it really is uncomfortable. It's one of those things that it feels like if you stay where you are, you're going to stay stuck. You're not going to be in movement, you're not going to be in flow with what's available to you. I think it's like really about expanding our capacity to to 


be in that next level. So I think I think about like really successful people, like people who have crazy schedules like. This is an extreme example, but like Elon Musk, who has like a million companies that he looks after, I don't even know, or I don't know like anybody who is like a CEO of a massive company. Their schedule is crazy, right? Like you'd you'd almost say like, is this even humanly possible? But So what? I think it's like our discomfort is just a. Much of moving towards our greater capacity, so is if we can move forward with it and learn how to cope with being uncomfortable and let learn how to move past that, then we get that expansion again. We get that greater expansion. There's so many things we can do to, to help us through discomfort. Actually we don't have to talk about it here. I mean, you can ask me if you want, but. I've developed this technique called the alignment method that helps with discomfort like helps you move past it, move through it. So interested. Go for it. It's like super cool. Like I've love it. OK, so we are energetic beings, right? Like we have an energetic system in our bodies. We actually have people have heard this, this word before, Chakras. We have 7 chakras running up and down our spinal cord, our column. Each of these chakras has a responsibility, has a role for us. So we have our root chakra at the bottom all the way up to the crown. Each of them have their own glands, They have their own neural connections. They're like little mini brains in our running through our body. They have their own hormones, like they have their own way of connecting with us, and they are communicating with us all the 


time. So when we experience discomfort, what that really is, is you receiving an energetic hit at one of those chakras most of the people don't even like. If they're not practicing mindfulness or whatever, they may not be aware of what's going on, They just know that they don't feel right. But if you can, pay attention if you have been practicing mindfulness. You can find, you can discover the location of where you've been hit energetically. So what I mean by been hit is like if you've had a confrontation with somebody or if something was said and you your body interprets it and it you can feel it in your body. It can be something that's kind of passive in that way or active where you're like receiving something and then. Really what our job is then is if we can locate where we got that energetic hit, where we feel it like ohh. We might feel it in our chest or we might feel it in our throat. We can feel that we we can learn to interpret what the message is for us because that chakra is responsible for something. So when it gets hit with something and it doesn't feel right, there's a message there for us to. Help us navigate through our path. So for example, if I was, if somebody said something to me that made me feel unacceptable, I've just told myself that I am unacceptable and that's why I feel that energetic hit. And then I can ask myself the question, well, is that actually true? No, it's not true. And now I can move forward and like. Restore that energetic balance and move forward through the discomfort. I'm not avoiding it. I'm not, you know, just like carting around it. I'm moving through it, knowing what the truth is and getting back on to 


balance. That's my cold note version. It's so good. I'm like smiling the whole time that you're talking about this because I love when I come across like. Energetically connected intuitive beings. And like, I feel like I've always known you to be that person. Like just so intuitive, so in tune with what's going on and with people. And I've like had this call recently to like get back into the body, get back into the body, get back to nature. And I'm like, what does this mean? And that's a such a cool way of doing it, like looking into the chakras for. That is information, that wisdom so interesting I'm trying to think of like any areas like that. I feel like I've been quote UN hit. Can you explain more about that, like just knowing or becoming? How do we become aware of that feeling? And where it is in our body because like I know I live in my head often. Like I'm always I love this is really cool. Yes. OK. So overthinking, overthinking and being in your head is that Chakra's energetic hit. So yeah, so like if you're if you're having something happens and you experience somebody says something that's like very shady. 


And it hits you in your heart. You're going to feel an energetic hit in your heart. You're going to feel like this whoosh of pain or discomfort. Like it's going to feel like painful, heavy, dark. Like if you're physically going to feel discomfort there, right? And you can feel it in any one of the chakras with your mind, though, you have a third eye chakra. When this is out of alignment, when it has been hit, you are overthinking. You're trying to figure it out. You're trying to work out the problem. You're not at ease. What you're doing is you're running around up there, like literally just stirring up the dirt and there's no clarity, there's no, the answers aren't coming. You're not in flow. You're just stewing around trying to see through the muck and what? Is so beautiful. I actually have like a whole way of like ioffer this one-on-one. So like if you want to learn more about the alignment method, you can contact me one-on-one and I can just explain everything to you and show you how to do like do it well but with meditation. This is why meditation is so brilliant, because this actually gives us an opportunity to. Restore that chakra. And when we restore that chakra to everything's cool, everything's awesome, Just like I'm totally relaxed when you get to that point. Now you can receive downloads. Now you can receive solutions to the problem. Now you have clarity, like. But we believe that our attempt to control the situation involves our overactive mind. We believe that if we think hard enough about it and if we, like, keep stirring it up. We will. We will get there. And it's like that's not what it's for. That's not what our logical mind's for our mind, our logical mind are when it's in like beautiful flow is when it's creative, when it's, when it's coming up with ways to create, to produce something and create something, when it's involved collaborative with in collaboration with others, when it's super dynamic. And so it's just like offering you so much richness that. Is that chakra in alignment? It's not alignment when it's like, 


Oh my gosh, I was like halfway through it what you were saying. I was just about to say, I feel like I should pay you for this energetic reading because that's insane. Like, yeah, so I've been thinking and thinking and thinking and writing and thinking and it's so annoying to not be able to like. I have the skills to turn the thoughts off, just there's a like a part of me that is resistant to that. And then over the past few days like it's interesting that you mentioned like like third eye and whatnot. So I've had a headache at the front of my head, but. Of course. I'm like attributing it to external factors. Like there's the smoke, okay there, you know, that's legit. There's the smoke, there's the it's been rainy, there's pressure in the air. Whatever I do headaches is not usually my first symptom of anything. So I'm like very aware of it when I have it. I'm like, oh, you know, maybe it's hormones. And then today I got like a was very emotional in the morning and then was exhausted myself by 9:00 AM. How does 1 exhaust themselves just by thinking, by 9:00 AM? I don't know. And then was like, got a major brain fog after and I don't usually get brain fog and was trying to figure it out. It's like I slept well, I'm eating well, got enough exercise, I drank enough water, had my caffeine fixed. I was like, what is going on here? So that's like very interesting. It's just like kind of sounds like it's exhausted up there and so. Getting back into alignment I think is key. Yeah, absolutely. And like it has a message for you, you know, like it's I also think another thing you're like, ohh, it's the smoke or whatever and that I've had a headache too for the last couple days because of the smoke. But those things like I think that we we when the smoke comes before the smoke happens. We're 


kind of energetically open to receiving something happening to that chakra. So for example, the kids I live with my 3 nephews and one of them comes home from school and brings home a cold. Not everybody will get sick in the house. I think it's the people who are they're they're kind of like open to being sick like they they. That they're all, like, for you, you're already overthinking. So for when the smoke comes in and then you get a headache, it's like this chakra is really like, we really need you to pay attention to this message. You know, like the smoke is coming in here to, like, get you to pay attention, right? Yeah. It's. Yeah. Like, I believe that everything, even as something as crazy, as orchestrated as smoke is like. Is actually meant for us in our journey. 


I love that so much Okay. And then switching gears a bit, talk to me about, yeah, that living situation and all together. Like I work mainly with children in psychotherapy right now and I've been. Like just looking at our world and the amount of pressure that's on families especially like financially and just everything. I'm like, we've gotten so far away from our nature of like. Having a village to care for the upbringing and and you guys are kind of in that unique situation where you know for young people and three kids like so cool like what models of healthy relationships in the household like who gets that. So yeah go into that a little bit. Yeah it's really I mean we even as a witness to my sister being a mom of three. I've just like, I don't understand how we have put this expectation on the family dynamic. Like why have we placed this expectation on mothers and fathers. It's so much, it's so much like my mom actually lives with us like we it's almost we have this attitude of like the more help the better. So I mean we've seen. Like, so Mickey's middle there, there's only a year difference between her first and her middle one. Like me and Mickey actually the same age difference, but we've seen like his his learning is so fast. I mean we this is only, this is, this isn't really like an actual you know, experiment empirical case study, but it's like. We've just seen the benefits in so 


many areas to living for living together. So I mean for the kids, it's obviously really wonderful socially. They have adult conversations all the time, like there's adult, they're listening to adult conversations, and I feel like that is a really big testament to both of their development. But then for us as a four son like it's just obviously makes our financial situation a lot easier. It makes our sense of belonging, our sense of community. Like Mickey and I can have separate conversations and we do have separate conversations on our show that we feel like we we can't have with our husbands. We feel supported in so many different ways as a group. I highly recommend it if it's possible for people to do. It just makes so much, so much more sense. It's so cool. Like, yeah, it's it's funny, I downloaded an article last week. Actually, I haven't read it yet, but it's called It Takes a Village. And it's it's legit like an empirical article on like being together. I'm like, so neat. I love that it takes. Some of the pressure off, just that chronic stress piece that we aren't equipped with managing. And yeah, I guess this conversation was not long enough. But if there's anything final that you legit, yeah, time flies when you're in the vortex. If there's anything, yeah, final that you want to share with people and let people know where to find you and do you have any. I don't know. Negative wisdom coming to you. OK, so you can find me at our manifestation journey on Instagram and if you're curious about the alignment method, I'd honestly, I'm doing this right now. I'm like supporting people 


with managing their vibration in their in their body so that they can do the thing that's scaring them or find clarity or whatever it is. Like get into alignment with what they it is that they desire. So you can DM me there at our manifestation journey, you can go on my website and explore what we're all about. There's a lot more offerings on our website 


Any other words of wisdom, 


I would say? Okay. This is going kind of going back to the alignment method a little bit. But the number one cause of death, According to the World Health Organization, the number one cause of death on the planet is heart disease. And I don't think. I don't think it's a I I feel like, I don't know. It's not a mystery to me. I think that we need to follow our hearts more. I think the more we ignore our hearts. That heart chakra that's giving you that message. The more we ignore it, the more damage it causes. Not for not just for us, but for the planet. So that would be my my words of wisdom is to listen to your heart and follow your heart and it will take you on a crazy journey. 


It's so good. It's so true. It's. We're literally so closed off. I even think about, like the way I'm sitting right now is so closed off. And just the difference of when you enter a room with like an open chest and open heart and there's just that vulnerability that we don't allow ourselves to, to have so scared, so closed off. So I love that leading with your heart. And yeah, thank you. Thank you for being here and chatting and sharing. Thank you for having me. Thank you so much for having me. It was really nice to chat with you

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